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Gamle Fabio Baldato kan stadig

Gamle Fabio Baldato kan stadig

08. juli 2007 19:160
Artiklen fortsætter efter videoen.

I dag blev første etape af Tour of Austria kørt i og omkring Zillertal. Etapen blev kørt over 130,7 km og var den første af otte etaper. Rytterne skal op i nogle af de store østrigiske bjerge, hvor bl.a. Stijn Devolder (Discovery Channel) skal vise sine klatreevner sammen med Victor Hugo Pena (Unibet) og Oscar Sevilla (Relax).

Dagens etape endte dog i en massespurt, hvor gode gamle Fabio Baldato sejrede. Den 39-årige italiener sejrede foran den blot 19-årige U23-verdensmester Gerald Ciolek (T-Mobile) og Elia Girotto (Milram)

"Det var den perfekt optakt for mig og mit hold. Jeg håber det motivere mine kollegaer Benatti og Napolitano, som i øjeblikket kører Tour de France", sagde Fabio Baldato efter løbet.

Resultat af 1. etape
1 Fabio Baldato - Lampre-Fondital 2.49.32 (46.26 km/t)
2 Gerald Ciolek - T-Mobile
3 Elia Rigotto - Milram
4 Steffen Radochla - Wiesenhof-Felt
5 Björn Leukemans - Predictor-Lotto
6 Marco Zanotti - Unibet.com
7 Davide Viganò - Quickstep-Innergetic
8 Steven Caethoven - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
9 Werner Riebenbauer - Volksbank
10 Gianni Meersman - Discovery Channel
11 Steffen Weigold - Tinkoff Credit Systems
12 Andrea Tonti - Quickstep-Innergetic
13 Geert Steurs - Predictor-Lotto
14 Benny De Schrooder - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
15 Giairo Ermeti - Tenax-Salmilano
16 David Verheyen - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
17 Matej Jurco - Milram
18 Christian Pömer - Volksbank
19 Stijn Devolder - Discovery Channel
20 Gil Suray - Unibet.com
21 Maarten Wynants - Quickstep-Innergetic
22 Jan Kuyckx - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
23 Matthew Wilson - Unibet.com
24 Oscar Sevilla - Relax-GAM
25 Johan Coenen - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
26 Mario De Sárraga - Relax-GAM
27 Fabio Sacchi - Milram
28 Matthew Lloyd - Predictor-Lotto
29 Adam Homolka - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
30 Jochen Summer - Elk Haus-Simplon
31 Paul Kasis - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
32 Sergio Lagana - Tenax-Salmilano
33 Volodymyr Bileka - Discovery Channel
34 Robert Retschke - Wiesenhof-Felt
35 Christophe Brandt - Predictor-Lotto
36 Sergey Klimov - Tinkoff Credit Systems
37 Daniel Musiol - Wiesenhof-Felt
38 Olivier Kaisen - Predictor-Lotto
39 Michael Knopf - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
40 José Miguel Elías - Relax-GAM
41 Arnaud Coyot - Unibet.com
42 Massimiliano Mori - Lampre-Fondital
43 Dries Devenyns - Predictor-Lotto
44 Harald Morscher - Volksbank
45 Gorazd Stangelj - Lampre-Fondital
46 Jurgen Van de Walle - Quickstep-Innergetic
47 Christian Isak - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
48 Ivan Santaromita - Quickstep-Innergetic
49 Tomas Konecny - Elk Haus-Simplon
50 Alexander Serov - Tinkoff Credit Systems
51 Vasil Kiryienka - Tinkoff Credit Systems
52 Frantisek Rabon - T-Mobile
53 Geert Verheyen - Quickstep-Innergetic
54 Raul García de Mateo - Relax-GAM
55 Serge Pauwels - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
56 Olaf Pollack - Wiesenhof-Felt
57 Tom Stubbe - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
58 Kevin Seeldraeyers - Quickstep-Innergetic
59 Dmitry Grabovskiy - Quickstep-Innergetic
60 Christian Leben - Wiesenhof-Felt
61 Markus Eibegger - Elk Haus-Simplon
62 Paolo Fornaciari - Lampre-Fondital
63 Gerrit Glomser - Volksbank
64 Thomas Rohregger - Elk Haus-Simplon
65 Pieter Jacobs - Unibet.com
66 Christian Pfannberger - Elk Haus-Simplon
67 Ruslan Pidgornyy - Tenax-Salmilano
68 Jurgen Van Goolen - Discovery Channel
69 Frédéric Gabriel - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
70 Pieter Ghyllebert - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
71 Florian Stalder - Volksbank
72 Jan Hruska - Relax-GAM
73 Jure Golcer - Tenax-Salmilano
74 Bert Scheirlinckx - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
75 Cristiano Salerno - Tenax-Salmilano
76 Mirko Celestino - Milram
77 Martin Riska - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
78 Rubert Probst - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
79 Anton Mindlin - Tinkoff Credit Systems
80 Bas Giling - Wiesenhof-Felt
81 Steffen Wesemann - Wiesenhof-Felt
82 Pavel Padrnos - Discovery Channel
83 Morris Possoni - Lampre-Fondital
84 Thomas Ziegler - T-Mobile
85 Elio Aggiano - Tinkoff Credit Systems
86 Matthew White - Discovery Channel
87 Stefan Denifl - Elk Haus-Simplon
88 Tom Criel - Unibet.com
89 Christian Murro - Tenax-Salmilano
90 Jan Valach - Elk Haus-Simplon
91 Jean-Claude Lebeau - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
92 Andrew Bradley - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
93 Darren Lapthorne - Drapac Porsche Development Program
94 Michael Barry - T-Mobile
95 Jelle Vanendert - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
96 Adam Hansen - T-Mobile
97 Jason McCartney - Discovery Channel
98 Jesús Hernández - Relax-GAM
99 Rok Jerse - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
100 Nico Sijmens - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
101 Mitchell Docker - Drapac Porsche Development Program
102 Frederik Veuchelen - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
103 Nick Gates - Predictor-Lotto
104 Christoph Kerschbaum - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
105 Dean Windsor - Drapac Porsche Development Program
106 Andreas Ortner - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
107 Sergio Ghisalberti - Milram
108 Petr Herman - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
109 David Loosli - Lampre-Fondital
110 Alexander Khatuntsev - Unibet.com
111 Ilya Chernetsky - Tinkoff Credit Systems
112 José Rujano - Unibet.com
113 Carlo Scognamiglio - Milram
114 Andreas Matzbacher - Volksbank
115 Fabrice Piemontesi - Tenax-Salmilano
116 Andy Cappelle - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
117 Jorge García - Relax-GAM
118 Björn Schröder - Milram
119 Sebastian Schwager - Milram
120 Gabriele Bosisio - Tenax-Salmilano
121 Daniele Contrini - Tinkoff Credit Systems
122 Steven Kleynen - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
123 Stefan Rucker - Elk Haus-Simplon
124 Jürgen Pauritsch - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
125 Francesco Gavazzi - Lampre-Fondital
126 Josef Benetseder - Volksbank
127 Stuart Shaw - Drapac Porsche Development Program
128 Robbie Williams - Drapac Porsche Development Program
129 Servais Knaven - T-Mobile
130 Hans Peter Obwaller - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
131 Mario Höller - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
132 Scott Davis - T-Mobile
133 Uros Silar - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
134 Pascal Hungerbühler - Volksbank
135 Robert McLachlan - Drapac Porsche Development Program
136 Casey Munro - Drapac Porsche Development Program
137 Phillip Thuaux - Drapac Porsche Development Program
138 Enrico Franzoi - Lampre-Fondital
139 Artur Gajek - Wiesenhof-Felt 0.33
140 Andreas Klier - T-Mobile
141 Ángel Vallejo - Relax-GAM 1.25
142 Mario Lexmüller - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels 1.36

Samlet stilling efter 1. etape
1 Fabio Baldato - Lampre-Fondital 2.49.22
2 Gerald Ciolek - T-Mobile 0.01
3 Jurgen Van de Walle - Quickstep-Innergetic 0.05
4 Morris Possoni - Lampre-Fondital
5 Elia Rigotto - Milram 0.06
6 Michael Knopf - Swiag Pro Cycling Team 0.08
7 Markus Eibegger - Elk Haus-Simplon
8 Tom Stubbe - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen 0.09
9 Steffen Radochla - Wiesenhof-Felt 0.10
10 Björn Leukemans - Predictor-Lotto
11 Marco Zanotti - Unibet.com
12 Davide Viganò - Quickstep-Innergetic
13 Steven Caethoven - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
14 Werner Riebenbauer - Volksbank
15 Gianni Meersman - Discovery Channel
16 Steffen Weigold - Tinkoff Credit Systems
17 Andrea Tonti - Quickstep-Innergetic
18 Geert Steurs - Predictor-Lotto
19 Benny De Schrooder - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
20 Giairo Ermeti - Tenax-Salmilano
21 David Verheyen - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
22 Matej Jurco - Milram
23 Christian Pömer - Volksbank
24 Stijn Devolder - Discovery Channel
25 Gil Suray - Unibet.com
26 Maarten Wynants - Quickstep-Innergetic
27 Jan Kuyckx - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
28 Matthew Wilson - Unibet.com
29 Oscar Sevilla - Relax-GAM
30 Johan Coenen - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
31 Mario De Sárraga - Relax-GAM
32 Fabio Sacchi - Milram
33 Matthew Lloyd - Predictor-Lotto
34 Adam Homolka - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
35 Jochen Summer - Elk Haus-Simplon
36 Paul Kasis - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
37 Sergio Lagana - Tenax-Salmilano
38 Volodymyr Bileka - Discovery Channel
39 Robert Retschke - Wiesenhof-Felt
40 Christophe Brandt - Predictor-Lotto
41 Sergey Klimov - Tinkoff Credit Systems
42 Daniel Musiol - Wiesenhof-Felt
43 Olivier Kaisen - Predictor-Lotto
44 José Miguel Elías - Relax-GAM
45 Arnaud Coyot - Unibet.com
46 Massimiliano Mori - Lampre-Fondital
47 Dries Devenyns - Predictor-Lotto
48 Harald Morscher - Volksbank
49 Gorazd Stangelj - Lampre-Fondital
50 Christian Isak - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
51 Ivan Santaromita - Quickstep-Innergetic
52 Tomas Konecny - Elk Haus-Simplon
53 Alexander Serov - Tinkoff Credit Systems
54 Vasil Kiryienka - Tinkoff Credit Systems
55 Frantisek Rabon - T-Mobile
56 Geert Verheyen - Quickstep-Innergetic
57 Raul García de Mateo - Relax-GAM
58 Serge Pauwels - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
59 Olaf Pollack - Wiesenhof-Felt
60 Kevin Seeldraeyers - Quickstep-Innergetic
61 Dmitry Grabovskiy - Quickstep-Innergetic
62 Christian Leben - Wiesenhof-Felt
63 Paolo Fornaciari - Lampre-Fondital
64 Gerrit Glomser - Volksbank
65 Thomas Rohregger - Elk Haus-Simplon
66 Pieter Jacobs - Unibet.com
67 Christian Pfannberger - Elk Haus-Simplon
68 Ruslan Pidgornyy - Tenax-Salmilano
69 Jurgen Van Goolen - Discovery Channel
70 Frédéric Gabriel - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
71 Pieter Ghyllebert - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
72 Florian Stalder - Volksbank
73 Jan Hruska - Relax-GAM
74 Jure Golcer - Tenax-Salmilano
75 Bert Scheirlinckx - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
76 Cristiano Salerno - Tenax-Salmilano
77 Mirko Celestino - Milram
78 Martin Riska - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
79 Rubert Probst - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
80 Anton Mindlin - Tinkoff Credit Systems
81 Bas Giling - Wiesenhof-Felt
82 Steffen Wesemann - Wiesenhof-Felt
83 Pavel Padrnos - Discovery Channel
84 Thomas Ziegler - T-Mobile
85 Elio Aggiano - Tinkoff Credit Systems
86 Matthew White - Discovery Channel
87 Stefan Denifl - Elk Haus-Simplon
88 Tom Criel - Unibet.com
89 Christian Murro - Tenax-Salmilano
90 Jan Valach - Elk Haus-Simplon
91 Jean-Claude Lebeau - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
92 Andrew Bradley - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
93 Darren Lapthorne - Drapac Porsche Development Program
94 Michael Barry - T-Mobile
95 Jelle Vanendert - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
96 Adam Hansen - T-Mobile
97 Jason McCartney - Discovery Channel
98 Jesús Hernández - Relax-GAM
99 Rok Jerse - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
100 Nico Sijmens - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
101 Mitchell Docker - Drapac Porsche Development Program
102 Frederik Veuchelen - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
103 Nick Gates - Predictor-Lotto
104 Christoph Kerschbaum - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
105 Dean Windsor - Drapac Porsche Development Program
106 Andreas Ortner - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
107 Sergio Ghisalberti - Milram
108 Petr Herman - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
109 David Loosli - Lampre-Fondital
110 Alexander Khatuntsev - Unibet.com
111 Ilya Chernetsky - Tinkoff Credit Systems
112 José Rujano - Unibet.com
113 Carlo Scognamiglio - Milram
114 Andreas Matzbacher - Volksbank
115 Fabrice Piemontesi - Tenax-Salmilano
116 Andy Cappelle - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
117 Jorge García - Relax-GAM
118 Björn Schröder - Milram
119 Sebastian Schwager - Milram
120 Gabriele Bosisio - Tenax-Salmilano
121 Daniele Contrini - Tinkoff Credit Systems
122 Steven Kleynen - Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
123 Stefan Rucker - Elk Haus-Simplon
124 Jürgen Pauritsch - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
125 Francesco Gavazzi - Lampre-Fondital
126 Josef Benetseder - Volksbank
127 Stuart Shaw - Drapac Porsche Development Program
128 Robbie Williams - Drapac Porsche Development Program
129 Servais Knaven - T-Mobile
130 Hans Peter Obwaller - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
131 Mario Höller - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
132 Scott Davis - T-Mobile
133 Uros Silar - Swiag Pro Cycling Team
134 Pascal Hungerbühler - Volksbank
135 Robert McLachlan - Drapac Porsche Development Program
136 Casey Munro - Drapac Porsche Development Program
137 Phillip Thuaux - Drapac Porsche Development Program
138 Enrico Franzoi - Lampre-Fondital
139 Artur Gajek - Wiesenhof-Felt 0.43
140 Andreas Klier - T-Mobile
141 Ángel Vallejo - Relax-GAM 1.35
142 Mario Lexmüller - RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels 1.46
143 Preben Van Hecke - Predictor-Lotto 13.30

Pointkonkurrencen efter 1. etape
1 Gerald Ciolek - T-Mobile 16 pts
2 Fabio Baldato - Lampre-Fondital 15
3 Elia Rigotto - Milram 10
4 Steffen Radochla - Wiesenhof-Felt 8
5 Björn Leukemans - Predictor-Lotto 7
6 Jurgen Van de Walle - Quickstep-Innergetic 6
7 Morris Possoni - Lampre-Fondital 6
8 Marco Zanotti - Unibet.com 6
9 Davide Viganò - Quickstep-Innergetic 5
10 Steven Caethoven - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen 4
11 Werner Riebenbauer - Volksbank 3
12 Michael Knopf - Swiag Pro Cycling Team 2
13 Markus Eibegger - Elk Haus-Simplon 2
14 Gianni Meersman - Discovery Channel 2
15 Tom Stubbe - Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen 1

Holdkonkurrencen efter 1. etape
1 Quickstep-Innergetic 8.28.36
2 Predictor-Lotto
3 Team Milram
4 Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen
5 Unibet.com
6 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
7 Team Volksbank
8 Team Wiesenhof Felt
9 Lampre-Fondital
10 Relax-GAM
11 Tinkoff Credit Systems
12 Landbouwkrediet-Tönissteiner
13 Tenax Salmilano
14 T-Mobile Team
15 Elk Haus-Simplon
16 Swiag Pro Cycling Team
17 RC ARBÖ Resch & Frisch Gourmetfein Wels
18 Drapac Porsche Development Program

UAE Team Emirates
Nyheder Profil Ryttere Resultater
Tour of Austria 
Nyheder Profil Resultater






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OL - Herrer(JO) 03/08




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