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J.J. Haedo toer på anden etape

J.J. Haedo toer på anden etape

17. april 2007 23:170

Team CSC's argentiner, Juan José Haedo blev toer på anden etape af Tour de Georgia. Etapen blev vundet af Ivan Stevic fra Toyota-United.

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Team CSC’s argentiner, Juan José Haedo blev toer på anden etape af Tour de Georgia. Etapen blev vundet af Ivan Stevic fra Toyota-United.

Det blev en hektisk finale, hvor Dave Zabriskie forsøgte sig med et angreb kort før mål, men det lykkedes ham ikke at komme afgørende væk.

Selve etapen blev præget af et tremandsudbrud bestående af Austin King (Jittery Joe's), Glen Chadwick (Navigators Insurance) og Garrett Peltonen (Priority Health), som på et tidspunkt havde et forspring på hele 8:30 minutter. Selvom feltet ikke lod til at bekymre sig meget om udbrudstrioen, så fik de dog ikke lov til at fortsætte deres skovtur. Feltet satte forfølgelsen ind, og deres forspring blev ret hurtigt minimeret kraftigt.

Discovery Channels Levi Leipheimer og Gianni Meersman var sammen med de to BMC-ryttere Mike Sayers og Jackson Stewart involveret i et styrt. De kom dog alle på cyklen igen. Senere matte Mike Sayers dog opgive at fuldføre etapen.

Med omkring 33 km igen var trioen skrumpet til en duo, idet Garrett Peltonen var blevet opslugt af feltet, men de to andre forsøgte hårdnakket at holde det jagtende felt bag sig. Kort tid efter måtte Austin King imidlertid også opgive kampen mod feltet, og med omkring ti kilometer tilbage af etapen var det også slut for Glen Chadwick.

Resultat af 2. etape
1 Ivan Stevic - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team 5.35.27 (38.831 km/t)
2 Juan José Haedo - Team CSC 0.02
3 Fred Rodriguez - Predictor-Lotto
4 Sergey Lagutin - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
5 Alessandro Proni - Quick Step - Innergetic
6 Levi Leipheimer - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
7 Charles Dionne - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
8 Rory Sutherland - Health Net presented by Maxxis
9 David Canada Gracia - Saunier Duval - Prodir
10 Thomas Danielson - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
11 George Hincapie - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
12 Jason Donald - Team Slipstream
13 Ryder Hesjedal - Health Net presented by Maxxis
14 David Zabriskie - Team CSC
15 David Millar - Saunier Duval - Prodir 0.05
16 Rubens Bertogliati - Saunier Duval - Prodir
17 Anthony Colby - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
18 John Devine - USA National Development Team
19 Gilberto Simoni - Saunier Duval - Prodir
20 Nathan O'neill - Health Net presented by Maxxis
21 Hubert Schwab - Quick Step - Innergetic
22 Cesar Augusto Grajales - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team
23 Christian Vandevelde - Team CSC
24 Andrea Tonti - Quick Step - Innergetic
25 Danny Pate - Team Slipstream
26 Janez Brajkovic - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
27 Thomas Peterson - Team Slipstream
28 Caleb Manion - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
29 Preben Van Hecke - Predictor-Lotto
30 Christophe Brandt - Predictor-Lotto
31 Dominique Cornu - Predictor-Lotto
32 Trent Wilson - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team
33 Valery Kobzarenko - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
34 Alexandre Moos - BMC Racing Team
35 Peter Hatton - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
36 Michael Blaudzun - Team CSC
37 Geert Steurs - Predictor-Lotto
38 Leonardo Scarselli - Quick Step - Innergetic
39 Maarten Wynants - Quick Step - Innergetic
40 Tyler Hamilton - Tinkoff Credit Systems
41 Ben Day - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
42 Jeffry Louder - Health Net presented by Maxxis
43 Jonathan Patrick McCarty - Team Slipstream
44 Christophe Rinero - Saunier Duval - Prodir
45 Doug Ollerenshaw - Health Net presented by Maxxis
46 Edward King - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell
47 Craig Lewis - Team Slipstream
48 Guido Trentin - Saunier Duval - Prodir
49 Ruggero Marzoli - Tinkoff Credit Systems
50 Phil Zajicek - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
51 Karl Menzies - Health Net presented by Maxxis
52 Scott Moninger - BMC Racing Team
53 Sheldon Deeny - USA National Development Team
54 Daniele Contrini - Tinkoff Credit Systems
55 Lucas Euser - Team Slipstream
56 Pavel Brutt - Tinkoff Credit Systems
57 Benjamin Brooks - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
58 Justin England - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
59 Kevin Seeldrayers - Quick Step - Innergetic
60 Tommy Nankervis - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team
61 David Mccann - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
62 Neil Shirley - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team
63 Christopher Baldwin - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
64 Ciaran Power - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 0.21
65 Tyler Wren - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light 0.25
66 Brian Vandborg - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
67 Jonathan Garcia - BMC Racing Team
68 Scott Nydam - BMC Racing Team
69 Timothy Duggan - Team Slipstream
70 Ivan Santaromita - Quick Step - Innergetic
71 Henk Vogels - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
72 Pavel Padrnos - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
73 Gustavo Artacho - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
74 Matt Shriver - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team
75 Olivier Kaisen - Predictor-Lotto 0.34
76 Timothy Johnson - Health Net presented by Maxxis
77 Chad Beyer - USA National Development Team
78 Jacob Rosenbarger - BMC Racing Team
79 Ben Jacques-Maynes - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 0.44
80 Adam Bergman - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
81 Michael Lange - Team Slipstream
82 Nick Gates - Predictor-Lotto 0.47
83 Matthew Harley Goss - Team CSC
84 Jackson Stewart - BMC Racing Team
85 Evan Elken - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team
86 Ivan Dominguez - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team 0.54
87 Kirk O'bee - Health Net presented by Maxxis
88 Davide Frattini - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
89 Viktor Rapinski - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 0.58
90 Gianni Meersman - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 1.01
91 Eric Keim - USA National Development Team
92 Cody Stevenson - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team 1.14
93 Eric Riggs - USA National Development Team
94 Ian Mckissick - BMC Racing Team 0.05
95 Scott Zwizanski - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 2.44
96 Richard England - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell
97 Brian Dziewa - USA National Development Team 2.50
98 Nick Reistad - USA National Development Team
99 Kurt-Asle Arvesen - Team CSC 3.20
100 Steffen Weigold - Tinkoff Credit Systems
101 Mauro Facci - Quick Step - Innergetic
102 Glen Alan Chadwick - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
103 Anders Lund - Team CSC 3.30
104 Martin Pedersen - Team CSC

105 Chris Wherry - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
106 Burke Swindlehurst - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
107 Caleb Fairly - USA National Development Team
108 Omer Kem - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell
109 Cameron Wurf - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 5.07
110 Elio Aggiano - Tinkoff Credit Systems 6.06
111 Stefano Zanini - Predictor-Lotto
112 Garrett Peltonen - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell
113 Emile Abraham - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 0.05
114 Austin King - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team 6.06

Samlet stilling efter 2. etape
1 Daniele Contrini - Tinkoff Credit Systems 8.59.43
2 Doug Ollerenshaw - Health Net presented by Maxxis 0.29
3 Ben Day - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 0.38
4 Ivan Stevic - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team 1.07
5 Juan José Haedo - Team CSC 1.13
6 Fred Rodriguez - Predictor-Lotto 1.15
7 Sergey Lagutin - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 1.19
8 Alessandro Proni - Quick Step - Innergetic
9 Ryder Hesjedal - Health Net presented by Maxxis
10 Levi Leipheimer - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
11 Rory Sutherland - Health Net presented by Maxxis
12 Thomas Danielson - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
13 George Hincapie - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
14 Charles Dionne - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
15 David Canada Gracia - Saunier Duval - Prodir
16 Jason Donald - Team Slipstream
17 David Zabriskie - Team CSC
18 Emile Abraham - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 1.20
19 Andrea Tonti - Quick Step - Innergetic 1.21
20 Danny Pate - Team Slipstream 1.22
21 David Millar - Saunier Duval - Prodir
22 John Devine - USA National Development Team
23 Preben Van Hecke - Predictor-Lotto
24 Nathan O'neill - Health Net presented by Maxxis
25 Cesar Augusto Grajales - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team
26 Alexandre Moos - BMC Racing Team
27 Michael Blaudzun - Team CSC
28 Christian Vandevelde - Team CSC

29 Thomas Peterson - Team Slipstream
30 Karl Menzies - Health Net presented by Maxxis
31 Gilberto Simoni - Saunier Duval - Prodir
32 Maarten Wynants - Quick Step - Innergetic
33 Christophe Brandt - Predictor-Lotto
34 Anthony Colby - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
35 Hubert Schwab - Quick Step - Innergetic
36 Ruggero Marzoli - Tinkoff Credit Systems
37 Valery Kobzarenko - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
38 Trent Wilson - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team
39 Janez Brajkovic - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
40 Rubens Bertogliati - Saunier Duval - Prodir
41 Tommy Nankervis - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team
42 Peter Hatton - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
43 Dominique Cornu - Predictor-Lotto
44 Christophe Rinero - Saunier Duval - Prodir
45 Leonardo Scarselli - Quick Step - Innergetic
46 Tyler Hamilton - Tinkoff Credit Systems
47 Sheldon Deeny - USA National Development Team
48 Geert Steurs - Predictor-Lotto
49 Kevin Seeldrayers - Quick Step - Innergetic
50 Pavel Brutt - Tinkoff Credit Systems
51 Justin England - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
52 Phil Zajicek - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
53 David Mccann - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
54 Edward King - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell
55 Guido Trentin - Saunier Duval - Prodir
56 Jonathan Patrick McCarty - Team Slipstream
57 Craig Lewis - Team Slipstream
58 Jeffry Louder - Health Net presented by Maxxis
59 Scott Moninger - BMC Racing Team
60 Lucas Euser - Team Slipstream
61 Benjamin Brooks - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
62 Christopher Baldwin - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
63 Neil Shirley - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team
64 Ian Mckissick - BMC Racing Team
65 Ciaran Power - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 1.38
66 Jonathan Garcia - BMC Racing Team 1.42
67 Henk Vogels - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
68 Tyler Wren - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
69 Gustavo Artacho - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
70 Ivan Santaromita - Quick Step - Innergetic
71 Brian Vandborg - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
72 Timothy Duggan - Team Slipstream
73 Scott Nydam - BMC Racing Team
74 Pavel Padrnos - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
75 Olivier Kaisen - Predictor-Lotto 1.51
76 Timothy Johnson - Health Net presented by Maxxis
77 Jacob Rosenbarger - BMC Racing Team
78 Ben Jacques-Maynes - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 2.01
79 Michael Lange - Team Slipstream
80 Jackson Stewart - BMC Racing Team 2.04
81 Matthew Harley Goss - Team CSC
82 Nick Gates - Predictor-Lotto
83 Caleb Manion - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team 2.09
84 Ivan Dominguez - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team 2.11
85 Kirk O'bee - Health Net presented by Maxxis
86 Davide Frattini - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
87 Cody Stevenson - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team 2.31
88 Chad Beyer - USA National Development Team 2.33
89 Eric Keim - USA National Development Team 3.00
90 Viktor Rapinski - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 3.15
91 Eric Riggs - USA National Development Team 4.08
92 Glen Alan Chadwick - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 4.31
93 Kurt-Asle Arvesen - Team CSC 4.37
94 Mauro Facci - Quick Step - Innergetic
95 Steffen Weigold - Tinkoff Credit Systems
96 Anders Lund - Team CSC 4.47
97 Martin Pedersen - Team CSC

98 Chris Wherry - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
99 Burke Swindlehurst - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
100 Matt Shriver - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team 5.31
101 Adam Bergman - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light 5.50
102 Evan Elken - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team 5.53
103 Cameron Wurf - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 6.24
104 Austin King - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team 7.20
105 Elio Aggiano - Tinkoff Credit Systems 7.23
106 Scott Zwizanski - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 7.50
107 Gianni Meersman - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 7.51
108 Brian Dziewa - USA National Development Team 7.56
109 Richard England - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 9.34
110 Nick Reistad - USA National Development Team 9.40
111 Caleb Fairly - USA National Development Team 10.20
112 Omer Kem - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell
113 Stefano Zanini - Predictor-Lotto 12.00
114 Garrett Peltonen - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 13.14

Sprintkonkurrencen efter 2. etape
1 Daniele Contrini - Tinkoff Credit Systems 23 pts
2 Ivan Stevic - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team 15
3 Juan José Haedo - Team CSC 14
4 Viktor Rapinski - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 13
5 Doug Ollerenshaw - Health Net presented by Maxxis 13
6 Ben Day - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 11
7 Sergey Lagutin - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 11
8 Glen Alan Chadwick - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 10
9 Fred Rodriguez - Predictor-Lotto 10
10 Alessandro Proni - Quick Step - Innergetic 7
11 Ryder Hesjedal - Health Net presented by Maxxis 7
12 Ivan Dominguez - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team 6
13 Levi Leipheimer - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 5
14 Karl Menzies - Health Net presented by Maxxis 5
15 Austin King - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team 4
16 Garrett Peltonen - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 4
17 Charles Dionne - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light 4
18 Emile Abraham - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 3
19 Rory Sutherland - Health Net presented by Maxxis 3
20 Ciaran Power - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 3
21 David Canada Gracia - Saunier Duval - Prodir 2
22 Andrea Tonti - Quick Step - Innergetic 1
23 Thomas Danielson - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 1

Bjergkonkurrencen efter 2. etape
1 Ben Jacques-Maynes - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 4 pts
2 Nathan O'neill - Health Net presented by Maxxis 3
3 Ryder Hesjedal - Health Net presented by Maxxis 2
4 Sergey Lagutin - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 1

Pointkonkurrencen efter 2. etape
1 Daniele Contrini - Tinkoff Credit Systems 23 pts
2 Viktor Rapinski - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 13
3 Doug Ollerenshaw - Health Net presented by Maxxis 13
4 Ben Day - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 11
5 Ryder Hesjedal - Health Net presented by Maxxis 7
6 Ivan Dominguez - Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team 6
7 Karl Menzies - Health Net presented by Maxxis 5
8 Sergey Lagutin - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 4
9 Emile Abraham - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 3
10 Ciaran Power - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 3
11 Juan José Haedo - Team CSC 2
12 Andrea Tonti - Quick Step - Innergetic 1
13 Alessandro Proni - Quick Step - Innergetic 1

Ungdomskonkurrencen efter 2. etape
1 John Devine - USA National Development Team 9.01.05
2 Thomas Peterson - Team Slipstream
3 Janez Brajkovic - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
4 Tommy Nankervis - Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team
5 Peter Hatton - Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
6 Dominique Cornu - Predictor-Lotto
7 Sheldon Deeny - USA National Development Team
8 Kevin Seeldrayers - Quick Step - Innergetic
9 Edward King - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell
10 Craig Lewis - Team Slipstream
11 Lucas Euser - Team Slipstream
12 Ivan Santaromita - Quick Step - Innergetic 0.20
13 Olivier Kaisen - Predictor-Lotto 0.29
14 Michael Lange - Team Slipstream 0.39
15 Matthew Harley Goss - Team CSC 0.42
16 Chad Beyer - USA National Development Team 1.11
17 Eric Riggs - USA National Development Team 2.46
18 Anders Lund - Team CSC 3.25
19 Martin Pedersen - Team CSC

20 Cameron Wurf - Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell 5.02
21 Gianni Meersman - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 6.29
22 Nick Reistad - USA National Development Team 8.18
23 Caleb Fairly - USA National Development Team 8.58

Holdkonkurrencen efter 2. etape
1 Tinkoff Credit Systems 27.02.08
2 The Health Net Pro Cycling Team Presented by Maxxis 0.15
3 Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 0.25
4 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 0.58
5 Team CSC 1.01
6 Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team 1.02
7 Predictor-Lotto 1.04
8 Quick Step-Innergetic
9 Prodir-Saunier Duval
10 Team Slipstream Powered by Chipotle
11 Colavita/Sutter Home Presented by Cooking Light Team
12 Jittery Joe's 1.07
13 BMC Racing Team
14 Priority Health Cycling Team Presented by Bissell 1.46
15 USA Cycling National Development Team 2.18

Tour de Georgia
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