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Juan Jose Haedo gjorde det igen!

Juan Jose Haedo gjorde det igen!

25. februar 2007 00:080

Her til aften blev 6. etape af Tour of California kørt. Etapen blev kørt fra Santa Barbara til Santa Clarita over 169.6 km. Det første seriøse angreb kom fra Mauricio Alberto Ardila Cano (Rabobank)...

Artiklen fortsætter efter videoen.

som fik lov til at køre væk af feltet. Han fik et forspring på 1:30, men frem imod den første bonusspurt blev forspringet formindsket og efter 45 km kørsel blev Ardila Cano hentet igen.

Efter den første spurt stak 9 ryttere af sted. Det var Stuart O'Grady (Team CSC), Mathew Hayman (Rabobank), Michael Rogers (T-mobile) Bram Tankink og Giovanni Visconti (begge Quick Step), Enrico Gasparotto (Liquigas), Josep Jufre Pou (Predictor-Lotto), Viktar Rapinski (Navigators) samt Danny Pate (Team Slipstream). Stuart O’Grady var den bedste placeret rytter i det samlede klassement og forspringet var flere gange oppe på godt 3 minutter, hvilket betød at Stuart O’Grady havde den virtuelle førertrøje. O'Grady gav sig tydeligt fuldt ud i udbruddet.

Inde de tre små omgange af ca. 6 km var forspringet stadig 1:10, så Stuart O’Grady havde en teoretisk mulighed for at tage førertrøjen med en etapesejr og de bonussekunder, som han havde samlet sammen i løbet af etapen.

En efter en slap kræfterne dog op hos de 9 ryttere i front, og i stedet for endte etapen i en massespurt. Hvor Team CSCs Juan José Haedo (billedet) kørte en fantastisk spurt og tog sin anden etapesejr i løbet.

I spurten var Gerolsteiner forrest, men lige efter Gerolsteiner-rytterne sad Greg Henderson (T-Mobile) og Juan José Haedo (Team CSC). Længe så det ud til at Greg Henderson skulle tage etapesejren, men på de sidste meter kom Team CSC-rytteren spurtende og tog etapesejren.

Paolo Bettini blev nummer tre foran norske Thor Hushovd, og dermed er konkurrencen om pointtrøjen stadig meget åben imellem Haedo og Bettini.

Løbet føres fortsat samlet af Levi Leipheimer (Team Discovery Channel).

Resultat af 6. etape
1 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Team CSC 3.56.04
2 Greg Henderson (NZl) T-mobile
3 Paolo Bettini (Ita) Quick Step
4 Thor Hushovd (Nor) Credit Agricole
5 Fred Rodriguez (USA) Predictor-Lotto
6 Robert Förster (Ger) Gerolsteiner
7 Luca Paolini (Ita) Liquigas
8 Alexander Candelario (USA) Jelly Belly Cycling Team
9 Alejandro Acton (Arg) Colavita Sutter Home
10 Russell Downing (GBr) Health Net Presented By Maxxis
11 Hilton Clarke (Aus) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
12 David Vitoria (Swi) BMC
13 Bart Dockx (Bel) Predictor-Lotto
14 Shawn Milne (USA) Health Net Presented By Maxxis
15 Bram De Groot (Ned) Rabobank
16 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
17 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Quick Step
18 Taylor Tolleson (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
19 Benjamin Jacques-Maynes (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team
20 Stuart O'Grady (Aus) Team CSC
21 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team CSC

22 Jackson Stewart (USA) BMC
23 Veleriy Kobzarenko (Ukr) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
24 Cyril Lemoine (Fra) Credit Agricole
25 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
26 Theo Eltink (Ned) Rabobank
27 Gerald Ciolek (Ger) T-mobile
28 Bobby Julich (USA) Team CSC
29 Dimitri Fofonov (Kaz) Credit Agricole
30 Nicolas Gates (Aus) Predictor-Lotto
31 Kim Kirchen (Lux) T-mobile
32 Chris Wherry (USA) Toyota United Pro
33 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
34 Jakob Piil (Den) T-mobile
35 Oliver Zaugg (Swi) Gerolsteiner
36 Ryder Hesjedal (Can) Health Net Presented By Maxxis
37 Brent Bookwalter (USA) USA National team
38 Sven Krauss (Ger) Gerolsteiner
39 Mads Kaggestad (Nor) Credit Agricole
40 Brice Jones (USA) Jelly Belly Cycling Team
41 Ben Day (Aus) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
42 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quick Step
43 Christopher Horner (USA) Predictor-Lotto
44 Mauro Da Dalto (Ita) Liquigas
45 Josep Jufre Pou (Spa) Predictor-Lotto
46 Peter Hatton (Aus) Colavita Sutter Home
47 Michael Barry (Can) T-mobile
48 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas
49 Grischa Jan Niermann (Ger) Rabobank
50 Michael Rogers (Aus) T-mobile
51 Bernhard Kohl (Aut) Gerolsteiner
52 Alexandre Moos (Swi) BMC
53 Jonathan Patrick McCarty (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
54 Christophe Laurent (Fra) Credit Agricole
55 Mario Aerts (Bel) Predictor-Lotto
56 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota United Pro
57 Bram Tankink (Ned) Quick Step
58 Robert Gesink (Ned) Rabobank
59 Thomas Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
60 Matthew Lloyd (Aus) Predictor-Lotto
61 Mathew Hayman (Aus) Rabobank
62 Nicolar Reistad (USA) Jelly Belly Cycling Team
63 Fabian Wegmann (Ger) Gerolsteiner
64 Philip Zajicek (USA) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
65 Anthony Colby (USA) Colavita Sutter Home
66 Jason McCartney (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
67 Volker Ordowski (Ger) Gerolsteiner
68 Jason Donald (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
69 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Team CSC
70 Rory Sutherland (Aus) Health Net Presented By Maxxis
71 Viktar Rapinski (Blr) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
72 Charly Wegelius (GBr) Liquigas
73 Mauricio Alberto Ardila Cano (Col) Rabobank
74 Geert Verheyen (Bel) Quick Step
75 Danny Pate (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
76 Kjell Carlström (Fin) Liquigas
77 Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Liquigas
78 William Frischkorn (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
79 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank
80 Thomas Peterson (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
81 Aaron Olson (USA) T-mobile
82 Matteo Tosatto (Ita) Quick Step
83 Andrew Bajadali (USA) Jelly Belly Cycling Team
84 Manuel Quinziato (Ita) Liquigas
85 Darren Lill (RSA) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
86 Steven Cozza (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
87 Karl Menzies (Aus) Health Net Presented By Maxxis
88 Peter Wrolich (Aut) Gerolsteiner 0.40
89 Karsten Kroon (Ned) Team CSC
90 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Team CSC

91 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
92 Kirk O'Bee (USA) Health Net Presented By Maxxis 1.32
93 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net Presented By Maxxis 2.09
94 Kyle Gritters (USA) Health Net Presented By Maxxis
95 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) Quick Step
96 Ivan Basso (Ita) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 2.48
97 Brian Vandborg (Den) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 7.02
98 Graeme Brown (Aus) Rabobank 13.11
99 Antonio Cruz (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
100 Sébastien Hinault (Fra) Credit Agricole
101 Christophe Kern (Fra) Credit Agricole
102 Jean Marc Marino (Fra) Credit Agricole
103 Nic Ingels (Bel) Predictor-Lotto
104 Glen Alan Chadwick (Aus) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
105 Ivan Dominguez (Cub) Toyota United Pro
106 Justin England (USA) Toyota United Pro
107 Caleb Manion (USA) Toyota United Pro 13.12
108 Sean Sullivan (Aus) Toyota United Pro
109 Henk Vogels (Aus) Toyota United Pro
110 Jeremy Powers (USA) Jelly Belly Cycling Team
111 Edward King (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team
112 Garrett Peltonen (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team
113 Charles Dionne (Can) Colavita Sutter Home
114 Davide Frattini (Ita) Colavita Sutter Home
115 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita Sutter Home
116 Ken Hanson (USA) BMC 13.13
117 Scott Nydam (USA) BMC
118 Caleb Fairly (USA) USA National team 
Udgået Bryce Mead (USA) Jelly Belly 
Udgået Brian Dziewa (USA) Jelly Belly 
Udgået Adam Hansen (Aus) T-mobile 
Udgået Michael Jones (USA) Jelly Belly 
Udgået Tom Zirbel (USA) Priority Health 
Udgået Jonathan Garcia (USA) BMC 
Udgået Michael Sayers (USA) BMC

Samlet stiling efter 6. etape
1 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 22.17.56
2 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team CSC 0.21
3 Jason McCartney (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 0.54
4 Bobby Julich (USA) Team CSC 1.06
5 Stuart O'Grady (Aus) Team CSC 1.16
6 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Team CSC 1.24

7 Michael Rogers (Aus) T-mobile 1.32
8 Ben Day (Aus) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 1.38
9 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas 1.41
10 Ryder Hesjedal (Can) Health Net Presented By Maxxis 1.57
11 Christopher Horner (USA) Predictor-Lotto 2.09
12 Kim Kirchen (Lux) T-mobile 2.16
13 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
14 Rory Sutherland (Aus) Health Net Presented By Maxxis
15 Jakob Piil (Den) T-mobile 2.19
16 Dimitri Fofonov (Kaz) Credit Agricole 2.21
17 Danny Pate (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 2.31
18 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota United Pro
19 Bram Tankink (Ned) Quick Step 2.37
20 Fabian Wegmann (Ger) Gerolsteiner 2.44
21 Robert Gesink (Ned) Rabobank 2.50
22 Mads Kaggestad (Nor) Credit Agricole 2.54
23 Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Liquigas 3.10
24 Anthony Colby (USA) Colavita Sutter Home
25 Josep Jufre Pou (Spa) Predictor-Lotto 3.11
26 Veleriy Kobzarenko (Ukr) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
27 Bram De Groot (Ned) Rabobank 3.19
28 Matthew Lloyd (Aus) Predictor-Lotto 3.31
29 Theo Eltink (Ned) Rabobank 3.35
30 Mauricio Alberto Ardila Cano (Col) Rabobank 3.36
31 Thomas Peterson (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 3.43
32 Bernhard Kohl (Aut) Gerolsteiner 4.02
33 Paolo Bettini (Ita) Quick Step 4.27
34 Benjamin Jacques-Maynes (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team 4.28
35 Geert Verheyen (Bel) Quick Step
36 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 4.35
37 Oliver Zaugg (Swi) Gerolsteiner 5.14
38 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Quick Step 5.16
39 Cyril Lemoine (Fra) Credit Agricole 5.26
40 Viktar Rapinski (Blr) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 5.54
41 Fred Rodriguez (USA) Predictor-Lotto 5.58
42 Hilton Clarke (Aus) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 6.02
43 Sven Krauss (Ger) Gerolsteiner 6.20
44 Darren Lill (RSA) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 6.22
45 Christophe Laurent (Fra) Credit Agricole
46 Jackson Stewart (USA) BMC 6.23
47 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Team CSC 6.40
48 Michael Barry (Can) T-mobile 6.41
49 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quick Step 7.01
50 Jonathan Patrick McCarty (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 7.10
51 Ivan Basso (Ita) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 7.14
52 Jason Donald (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 7.30
53 Russell Downing (GBr) Health Net Presented By Maxxis 7.32
54 William Frischkorn (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 7.42
55 Peter Hatton (Aus) Colavita Sutter Home 7.47
56 David Vitoria (Swi) BMC 8.01
57 Karsten Kroon (Ned) Team CSC 8.12
58 Alexandre Moos (Swi) BMC 8.20
59 Mario Aerts (Bel) Predictor-Lotto 8.25
60 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net Presented By Maxxis 8.35
61 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) Quick Step 8.58
62 Luca Paolini (Ita) Liquigas 9.19
63 Andrew Bajadali (USA) Jelly Belly Cycling Team 9.20
64 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 9.55
65 Steven Cozza (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 10.05
66 Aaron Olson (USA) T-mobile 10.19
67 Thomas Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 11.31
68 Thor Hushovd (Nor) Credit Agricole 11.39
69 Kirk O'Bee (USA) Health Net Presented By Maxxis 11.52
70 Manuel Quinziato (Ita) Liquigas 12.09
71 Greg Henderson (NZl) T-mobile 13.05
72 Gerald Ciolek (Ger) T-mobile 13.59
73 Shawn Milne (USA) Health Net Presented By Maxxis 14.22
74 Mauro Da Dalto (Ita) Liquigas 14.36
75 Karl Menzies (Aus) Health Net Presented By Maxxis 14.37
76 Kjell Carlström (Fin) Liquigas 15.29
77 Glen Alan Chadwick (Aus) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 15.49
78 Justin England (USA) Toyota United Pro 16.02
79 Chris Wherry (USA) Toyota United Pro 16.19
80 Kyle Gritters (USA) Health Net Presented By Maxxis 16.46
81 Brent Bookwalter (USA) USA National team 16.57
82 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Team CSC 17.20
83 Grischa Jan Niermann (Ger) Rabobank 18.00
84 Mathew Hayman (Aus) Rabobank 18.10
85 Philip Zajicek (USA) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 18.30
86 Nicolar Reistad (USA) Jelly Belly Cycling Team 18.32
87 Christophe Kern (Fra) Credit Agricole 18.40
88 Bart Dockx (Bel) Predictor-Lotto 18.41
89 Charly Wegelius (GBr) Liquigas 19.01
90 Matteo Tosatto (Ita) Quick Step 19.54
91 Alexander Candelario (USA) Jelly Belly Cycling Team 20.04
92 Taylor Tolleson (USA) Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 20.08
93 Nicolas Gates (Aus) Predictor-Lotto 20.40
94 Volker Ordowski (Ger) Gerolsteiner 20.50
95 Peter Wrolich (Aut) Gerolsteiner 22.32
96 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank 22.33
97 Robert Förster (Ger) Gerolsteiner 23.37
98 Brice Jones (USA) Jelly Belly Cycling Team 24.08
99 Alejandro Acton (Arg) Colavita Sutter Home 25.01
100 Brian Vandborg (Den) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 25.18
101 Sébastien Hinault (Fra) Credit Agricole 28.29
102 Jean Marc Marino (Fra) Credit Agricole 29.00
103 Jeremy Powers (USA) Jelly Belly Cycling Team 29.42
104 Edward King (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team 30.55
105 Antonio Cruz (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 31.48
106 Graeme Brown (Aus) Rabobank 33.22
107 Ivan Dominguez (Cub) Toyota United Pro 35.17
108 Nic Ingels (Bel) Predictor-Lotto 35.19
109 Scott Nydam (USA) BMC 35.54
110 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita Sutter Home 35.57
111 Henk Vogels (Aus) Toyota United Pro 36.38
112 Charles Dionne (Can) Colavita Sutter Home 37.03
113 Caleb Manion (USA) Toyota United Pro 37.18
114 Sean Sullivan (Aus) Toyota United Pro 38.37
115 Caleb Fairly (USA) USA National team 39.49
116 Garrett Peltonen (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team 40.57
117 Ken Hanson (USA) BMC 42.59
118 Davide Frattini (Ita) Colavita Sutter Home 43.03

Tour of California
Nyheder Profil Resultater






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