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Robbie McEwen vandt massespurt i Schweiz

Robbie McEwen vandt massespurt i Schweiz

20. juni 2007 17:470

Den australske sprinter Robbie McEwen (Predictor-Lotto) vandt 5. etape af Tour de Suisse foran Daniele Bennati (Lampre-Fondital) og Erik Zabel (Team Milram) da feltet kom samlet. Team CSCs Fränk Schleck forsvarede uden problemer løbets førertrøje.

Artiklen fortsætter efter videoen.

Dagens 192,8 km. gik fra Vaduz til Giubiasco og bød undervejs på to kategoriserede stigninger heriblandt kategori 1-stigningen Lukmanlerpass, der dog toppede med ca. 75 km. til mål.

Etapen startede ud i et hæsblæsende tempo med talrige angrebsforsøg. Først efter 22 km. kørsel lykkedes det dog for Rubens Bertogliati (Saunier Duval-Prodir) og Ten Dam (Unibet.com) at slå hul til feltet. De to rytter fulgtes ad frem til ca. midtvejs på Lukmanlerpass-stigningen, hvor Rubens Bertogliati måtte opgiver at følge med i Ten Dams tempo.

Ten Dam forsøgte herefter at køre hjem alene, men kunne på egen hånd ikke holde feltet bag sig, der hentede Unibet.com rytteren med 14 km. til mål.

Med otte kilometer til mål angriber Juan José Oroz fra feltet, men det tog feltet lidt over en kilometer at hente Euskaltel-Euskadi-rytteren igen.

I massespurten forsøgte den schweiziske mester, Gregory Rast (Astana), at snyde sprinterne ved at åbne spurten tidligt, men Robbie McEwen ventede køligt med at åbne spurten tids nok til sikkert at køre hjem som dagens vinder.

Resultat af 5. Etape
1 Robbie Mcewen - Predictor-Lotto 4.55.39 (39,127 km/t)
2 Daniele Bennati - Lampre-Fondital
3 Erik Zabel - Team Milram
4 Murilo Antonio Fischer - Liquigas
5 Cristian Moreni - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone
6 Grégory Rast - Astana
7 Marcus Burghardt - T-Mobile Team
8 David Kopp - Gerolsteiner
9 Martin Elmiger - Ag2r Prevoyance
10 Sébastien Hinault - Credit Agricole
11 Stefan Schumacher - Gerolsteiner
12 René Weissinger - Team Volksbank
13 Andrea Tonti - Quick Step - Innergetic
14 Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni - Rabobank
15 Aurélien Clerc - Bouygues Telecom
16 Christopher Sutton - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone
17 Xavier Florencio Cabre - Bouygues Telecom
18 Arnaud Labbe - Bouygues Telecom
19 Francisco José Ventoso Alberdi - Saunier Duval - Prodir
20 Fred Rodriguez - Predictor-Lotto
21 Michael Schär - Astana
22 Andreas Klöden - Astana
23 Pablo Lastras Garcia - Caisse d'Epargne
24 Stijn Devolder - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
25 Vincent Jerome - Bouygues Telecom
26 Roger Hammond - T-Mobile Team
27 Frédéric Guesdon - Française Des Jeux
28 Luis Pasamontes Rodriguez - Unibet.com
29 Ivan Velasco Murillo - Euskaltel - Euskadi
30 Linus Gerdemann - T-Mobile Team
31 Vladimir Karpets - Caisse d'Epargne
32 Frank Schleck - Team CSC
33 Benoît Vaugrenard - Française Des Jeux
34 Patrik Sinkewitz - T-Mobile Team
35 Juan Jose Cobo Acebo - Saunier Duval - Prodir
36 Matteo Carrara - Unibet.com
37 Laurent Brochard - Bouygues Telecom
38 José Ivan Gutierrez Palacios - Caisse d'Epargne
39 Arkaitz Duran Aroca - Saunier Duval - Prodir
40 Damiano Cunego - Lampre-Fondital
41 David Lopez Garcia - Caisse d'Epargne
42 Vladimir Efimkin - Caisse d'Epargne
43 Pierre Rolland - Credit Agricole
44 Jan Boven - Rabobank
45 Andrey Mizourov - Astana
46 Maxime Monfort - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone
47 Kim Kirchen - T-Mobile Team
48 Juan Manuel Garate - Quick Step - Innergetic
49 Matthias Kessler - Astana
50 Hubert Schwab - Quick Step - Innergetic
51 Janez Brajkovic - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
52 José Angel Gomez Marchante - Saunier Duval - Prodir
53 Matthieu Sprick - Bouygues Telecom
54 Volker Ordowski - Gerolsteiner
55 Alessandro Ballan - Lampre-Fondital
56 Rigoberto Uran - Unibet.com
57 Steve Zampieri - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone
58 Vladimir Gusev - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
59 Gustav Erik Larsson - Unibet.com
60 Jon Bru Pascal - Euskaltel - Euskadi
61 Jens Voigt - Team CSC
62 Hubert Dupont - Ag2r Prevoyance
63 Lars Ytting Bak - Team CSC
64 Mariusz Witecki - Team Volksbank
65 Ivan Mayoz - Euskaltel - Euskadi
66 Giovanni Bernaudeau - Bouygues Telecom
67 Josef Benetseder - Team Volksbank
68 Jurgen Van Goolen - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
69 Stuart O'grady - Team CSC
70 Alberto Losada Alguacil - Caisse d'Epargne
71 Dmitry Kozontchuk - Rabobank
72 Michael Rogers - T-Mobile Team
73 Theo Eltink - Rabobank
74 John Gadret - Ag2r Prevoyance
75 Joaquin Rodriguez Oliver - Caisse d'Epargne
76 Gerrit Glomser - Team Volksbank
77 Carlos Da Cruz - Française Des Jeux
78 Oscar Freire Gomez - Rabobank
79 Carlos Sastre Candil - Team CSC
80 Carlos Barredo Llamazales - Quick Step - Innergetic
81 Tom Criel - Unibet.com
82 Christophe Riblon - Ag2r Prevoyance
83 Cyrille Monnerais - Française Des Jeux
84 Kjell Carlström - Liquigas
85 Thomas Frei - Astana
86 Bram Tankink - Quick Step - Innergetic
87 Kevin De Weert - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone
88 Juan Jose Oroz Ugalde - Euskaltel - Euskadi
89 Marco Marzano - Lampre-Fondital
90 Rene Mandri - Ag2r Prevoyance
91 William Bonnet - Credit Agricole
92 Thomas Lövkvist - Française Des Jeux
93 Giuseppe Guerini - T-Mobile Team
94 Christophe Laurent - Credit Agricole
95 Daniel Navarro Garcia - Astana
96 Harald Morscher - Team Volksbank
97 Simon Gerrans - Ag2r Prevoyance
98 Beat Zberg - Gerolsteiner
99 Alberto Ongarato - Team Milram
100 Marcel Strauss - Gerolsteiner
101 Gilberto Simoni - Saunier Duval - Prodir
102 Karsten Kroon - Team CSC
103 Patrice Halgand - Credit Agricole
104 Anders Lund - Team CSC
105 Enrico Poitschke - Team Milram
106 Björn Schröder - Team Milram
107 Alessandro Proni - Quick Step - Innergetic
108 Andreas Klier - T-Mobile Team
109 Wim Van Huffel - Predictor-Lotto
110 Matthew White - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
111 Fumiyuki Beppu - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
112 Victor Hugo Pena Grisales - Unibet.com
113 Trent Lowe - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
114 Rinaldo Nocentini - Ag2r Prevoyance
115 Thomas Dekker - Rabobank
116 Michael Boogerd - Rabobank
117 Mirko Celestino - Team Milram
118 Johannes Fröhlinger - Gerolsteiner
119 Yannick Talabardon - Credit Agricole
120 Christopher Horner - Predictor-Lotto
121 Ruben Lobato Elvira - Saunier Duval - Prodir
122 Patrick Calcagni - Liquigas
123 Leif Hoste - Predictor-Lotto 0.30
124 Alexandre Usau - Ag2r Prevoyance 0.33
125 Mauro Facci - Quick Step - Innergetic 0.35
126 Ralf Grabsch - Team Milram
127 Sebastian Schwager - Team Milram
128 Florian Stalder - Team Volksbank
129 Giovanni Visconti - Quick Step - Innergetic
130 Sébastien Minard - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone
131 Gianni Meersman - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 0.39
132 Paolo Tiralongo - Lampre-Fondital
133 Marzio Bruseghin - Lampre-Fondital
134 Fernandez De La Puebla Ramos - Saunier Duval - Prodir
135 Andreas Matzbacher - Team Volksbank
136 Rubens Bertogliati - Saunier Duval - Prodir
137 Pascal Hungerbühler - Team Volksbank
138 Franco Pellizotti - Liquigas 0.43
139 Filippo Pozzato - Liquigas 0.44
140 Markus Zberg - Gerolsteiner 0.46
141 Guido Trenti - Liquigas
142 Maryan Hary - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 0.57
143 Bart Dockx - Predictor-Lotto 1.02
144 Wim Vansevenant - Predictor-Lotto 1.06
145 David Loosli - Lampre-Fondital 1.18
146 Fabian Cancellara - Team CSC
147 Michael Albasini - Liquigas 1.44
148 Sergio Ghisalberti - Team Milram 3.47
149 Daniele Righi - Lampre-Fondital 4.32
150 Laurens Ten Dam - Unibet.com 7.16
151 Tristan Valentin - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 26.52
152 Benoît Poilvet - Credit Agricole

Samlet stilling efter 5. Etape
1 Frank Schleck - Team CSC 19.28.03 (38,505 km/t)
2 Vladimir Efimkin - Caisse d'Epargne 0.49
3 Kim Kirchen - T-Mobile Team
4 José Angel Gomez Marchante - Saunier Duval - Prodir 0.58
5 Matteo Carrara - Unibet.com 1.05
6 Vladimir Karpets - Caisse d'Epargne 1.19
7 Xavier Florencio Cabre - Bouygues Telecom 1.39
8 Damiano Cunego - Lampre-Fondital 1.46
9 Stijn Devolder - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 2.03
10 Gilberto Simoni - Saunier Duval - Prodir 2.06
11 Linus Gerdemann - T-Mobile Team 2.21
12 Rigoberto Uran - Unibet.com
13 Janez Brajkovic - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 2.26
14 John Gadret - Ag2r Prevoyance 2.40
15 Andrea Tonti - Quick Step - Innergetic 2.49
16 Gerrit Glomser - Team Volksbank 2.55
17 Joaquin Rodriguez Oliver - Caisse d'Epargne
18 Patrik Sinkewitz - T-Mobile Team 3.06
19 Matthieu Sprick - Bouygues Telecom 3.21
20 Hubert Dupont - Ag2r Prevoyance 3.51
21 Michael Rogers - T-Mobile Team 4.01
22 Hubert Schwab - Quick Step - Innergetic 4.24
23 Laurent Brochard - Bouygues Telecom 4.52
24 Gustav Erik Larsson - Unibet.com 5.02
25 Martin Elmiger - Ag2r Prevoyance 5.11
26 Juan Manuel Garate - Quick Step - Innergetic 5.19
27 Thomas Lövkvist - Française Des Jeux 6.09
28 Carlos Sastre Candil - Team CSC 6.11
29 Christophe Riblon - Ag2r Prevoyance 6.14
30 Cristian Moreni - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 6.18
31 Giuseppe Guerini - T-Mobile Team 6.26
32 José Ivan Gutierrez Palacios - Caisse d'Epargne 6.49
33 Andreas Klöden - Astana 6.50
34 Pierre Rolland - Credit Agricole 7.09
35 David Lopez Garcia - Caisse d'Epargne 7.20
36 Marco Marzano - Lampre-Fondital 7.31
37 Maxime Monfort - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 7.36
38 Thomas Frei - Astana 7.41
39 Jon Bru Pascal - Euskaltel - Euskadi 7.52
40 Matthias Kessler - Astana 8.24
41 Andrey Mizourov - Astana 8.26
42 Vladimir Gusev - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 9.10
43 Giovanni Visconti - Quick Step - Innergetic 9.20
44 Beat Zberg - Gerolsteiner 9.29
45 Alberto Losada Alguacil - Caisse d'Epargne 9.57
46 Steve Zampieri - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 10.15
47 Bram Tankink - Quick Step - Innergetic 10.50
48 Kjell Carlström - Liquigas 10.51
49 Wim Van Huffel - Predictor-Lotto 11.01
50 Marzio Bruseghin - Lampre-Fondital 11.42
51 Vincent Jerome - Bouygues Telecom 11.52
52 Florian Stalder - Team Volksbank 11.53
53 Fabian Cancellara - Team CSC 11.54
54 Patrice Halgand - Credit Agricole 12.14
55 Mariusz Witecki - Team Volksbank 12.17
56 Harald Morscher - Team Volksbank 12.20
57 Theo Eltink - Rabobank 12.57
58 Carlos Barredo Llamazales - Quick Step - Innergetic 12.58
59 Andreas Matzbacher - Team Volksbank 13.58
60 Laurens Ten Dam - Unibet.com 14.16
61 Lars Ytting Bak - Team CSC 14.54
62 Yannick Talabardon - Credit Agricole 15.00
63 Ivan Velasco Murillo - Euskaltel - Euskadi 15.10
64 Pablo Lastras Garcia - Caisse d'Epargne 15.34
65 Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni - Rabobank 15.36
66 Rinaldo Nocentini - Ag2r Prevoyance 15.54
67 Juan Jose Cobo Acebo - Saunier Duval - Prodir 16.27
68 Benoît Vaugrenard - Française Des Jeux 16.46
69 Dmitry Kozontchuk - Rabobank 17.23
70 Arnaud Labbe - Bouygues Telecom 17.45
71 Christopher Horner - Predictor-Lotto 18.04
72 Daniel Navarro Garcia - Astana 18.11
73 Jens Voigt - Team CSC 18.28
74 Alessandro Proni - Quick Step - Innergetic 20.16
75 Björn Schröder - Team Milram 20.26
76 Luis Pasamontes Rodriguez - Unibet.com 20.38
77 Cyrille Monnerais - Française Des Jeux 20.56
78 Thomas Dekker - Rabobank 21.23
79 Jurgen Van Goolen - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 22.28
80 Stefan Schumacher - Gerolsteiner 22.42
81 Patrick Calcagni - Liquigas 22.58
82 Paolo Tiralongo - Lampre-Fondital 23.09
83 Ivan Mayoz - Euskaltel - Euskadi 23.20
84 Michael Schär - Astana 23.25
85 Ralf Grabsch - Team Milram 23.46
86 Fernandez De La Puebla Ramos - Saunier Duval - Prodir 24.15
87 Marcus Burghardt - T-Mobile Team 24.20
88 Oscar Freire Gomez - Rabobank 24.44
89 Michael Albasini - Liquigas 25.06
90 Franco Pellizotti - Liquigas 25.25
91 Marcel Strauss - Gerolsteiner 26.01
92 Stuart O'grady - Team CSC 26.28
93 Murilo Antonio Fischer - Liquigas 26.35
94 Grégory Rast - Astana
95 Pascal Hungerbühler - Team Volksbank 27.07
96 Sergio Ghisalberti - Team Milram 27.25
97 Maryan Hary - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 27.45
98 Erik Zabel - Team Milram 27.53
99 Simon Gerrans - Ag2r Prevoyance 28.09
100 Frédéric Guesdon - Française Des Jeux 28.10
101 Michael Boogerd - Rabobank 28.18
102 Johannes Fröhlinger - Gerolsteiner 29.43
103 Fred Rodriguez - Predictor-Lotto 29.57
104 Andreas Klier - T-Mobile Team 30.11
105 Daniele Bennati - Lampre-Fondital 30.39
106 Robbie Mcewen - Predictor-Lotto 30.58
107 William Bonnet - Credit Agricole 31.01
108 Enrico Poitschke - Team Milram 31.13
109 Alessandro Ballan - Lampre-Fondital 31.14
110 David Loosli - Lampre-Fondital 31.21
111 Mirko Celestino - Team Milram
112 Tom Criel - Unibet.com 31.43
113 Kevin De Weert - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 31.50
114 Gianni Meersman - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 31.52
115 Sébastien Hinault - Credit Agricole 32.04
116 Rubens Bertogliati - Saunier Duval - Prodir 32.07
117 Karsten Kroon - Team CSC 32.13
118 Matthew White - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 32.15
119 Rene Mandri - Ag2r Prevoyance 32.21
120 René Weissinger - Team Volksbank 32.37
121 Trent Lowe - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 32.45
122 Bart Dockx - Predictor-Lotto 33.25
123 Arkaitz Duran Aroca - Saunier Duval - Prodir 33.57
124 Juan Jose Oroz Ugalde - Euskaltel - Euskadi 34.25
125 Anders Lund - Team CSC
126 Josef Benetseder - Team Volksbank 35.24
127 Francisco José Ventoso Alberdi - Saunier Duval - Prodir 35.27
128 Sébastien Minard - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 35.46
129 Wim Vansevenant - Predictor-Lotto 37.00
130 Victor Hugo Pena Grisales - Unibet.com 37.24
131 Ruben Lobato Elvira - Saunier Duval - Prodir 38.40
132 Daniele Righi - Lampre-Fondital 39.55
133 Volker Ordowski - Gerolsteiner 40.21
134 David Kopp - Gerolsteiner 40.43
135 Jan Boven - Rabobank 43.30
136 Giovanni Bernaudeau - Bouygues Telecom 43.35
137 Alberto Ongarato - Team Milram 43.37
138 Alexandre Usau - Ag2r Prevoyance 43.55
139 Christophe Laurent - Credit Agricole 44.33
140 Mauro Facci - Quick Step - Innergetic 44.55
141 Markus Zberg - Gerolsteiner 45.02
142 Aurélien Clerc - Bouygues Telecom 47.17
143 Fumiyuki Beppu - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 47.25
144 Carlos Da Cruz - Française Des Jeux 47.37
145 Christopher Sutton - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 47.40
146 Leif Hoste - Predictor-Lotto 47.51
147 Filippo Pozzato - Liquigas 48.11
148 Sebastian Schwager - Team Milram 48.23
149 Guido Trenti - Liquigas 51.46
150 Benoît Poilvet - Credit Agricole 52.38
151 Roger Hammond - T-Mobile Team 53.44
152 Tristan Valentin - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 1.22.58

1 Daniele Bennati - Lampre-Fondital 60 pts
2 Fabian Cancellara - Team CSC 42
3 Erik Zabel - Team Milram 41
4 Robbie Mcewen - Predictor-Lotto 35
5 Stuart O'grady - Team CSC 24
6 Murilo Antonio Fischer - Liquigas 24
7 Frank Schleck - Team CSC 23
8 Kim Kirchen - T-Mobile Team 23
9 William Bonnet - Credit Agricole 22
10 Cristian Moreni - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 20
11 Xavier Florencio Cabre - Bouygues Telecom 18
12 Martin Elmiger - Ag2r Prevoyance 18
13 Marcus Burghardt - T-Mobile Team 17
14 José Ivan Gutierrez Palacios - Caisse d'Epargne 16
15 Alessandro Proni - Quick Step - Innergetic 15
16 Matteo Carrara - Unibet.com 15
17 Vladimir Efimkin - Caisse d'Epargne 13
18 Stefan Schumacher - Gerolsteiner 12
19 José Angel Gomez Marchante - Saunier Duval - Prodir 10
20 Vladimir Gusev - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 10
21 Grégory Rast - Astana 10
22 Damiano Cunego - Lampre-Fondital 9
23 Andreas Klöden - Astana 8
24 Benoît Vaugrenard - Française Des Jeux 8
25 David Kopp - Gerolsteiner 8
26 Gilberto Simoni - Saunier Duval - Prodir 7
27 Matthias Kessler - Astana 7
28 Alberto Ongarato - Team Milram 7
29 Vladimir Karpets - Caisse d'Epargne 6
30 Patrick Calcagni - Liquigas 6
31 Sébastien Hinault - Credit Agricole 6
32 Leif Hoste - Predictor-Lotto 6
33 Bram Tankink - Quick Step - Innergetic 5
34 Giovanni Visconti - Quick Step - Innergetic 4
35 Beat Zberg - Gerolsteiner 4
36 René Weissinger - Team Volksbank 4
37 Stijn Devolder - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 3
38 Linus Gerdemann - T-Mobile Team 3
39 Andrea Tonti - Quick Step - Innergetic 3
40 Fred Rodriguez - Predictor-Lotto 3
41 Rigoberto Uran - Unibet.com 2
42 Gustav Erik Larsson - Unibet.com 2
43 Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni - Rabobank 2
44 Janez Brajkovic - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 1
45 Oscar Freire Gomez - Rabobank 1
46 Aurélien Clerc - Bouygues Telecom 1

1 Alessandro Proni - Quick Step - Innergetic 38 pts
2 Matteo Carrara - Unibet.com 21
3 Laurens Ten Dam - Unibet.com 20
4 Luis Pasamontes Rodriguez - Unibet.com 15
5 Rubens Bertogliati - Saunier Duval - Prodir 13
6 Daniel Navarro Garcia - Astana 10
7 Frank Schleck - Team CSC 8
8 Arkaitz Duran Aroca - Saunier Duval - Prodir 8
9 José Angel Gomez Marchante - Saunier Duval - Prodir 6
10 Kevin De Weert - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 6
11 Kim Kirchen - T-Mobile Team 5
12 Vladimir Efimkin - Caisse d'Epargne 4
13 Hubert Schwab - Quick Step - Innergetic 4
14 Giovanni Visconti - Quick Step - Innergetic 4
15 Carlos Barredo Llamazales - Quick Step - Innergetic 4
16 Andrea Tonti - Quick Step - Innergetic 2
17 Giuseppe Guerini - T-Mobile Team 2
18 Vladimir Karpets - Caisse d'Epargne 1
19 Florian Stalder - Team Volksbank 1
20 Enrico Poitschke - Team Milram 1
21 Bart Dockx - Predictor-Lotto 1

1 Florian Stalder - Team Volksbank 18 pts
2 Luis Pasamontes Rodriguez - Unibet.com 14
3 Daniel Navarro Garcia - Astana 9
4 Gerrit Glomser - Team Volksbank 6
5 Laurens Ten Dam - Unibet.com 6
6 Pascal Hungerbühler - Team Volksbank 6
7 Kevin De Weert - Cofidis, le Credit Par Telephone 6
8 Fabian Cancellara - Team CSC 3
9 Carlos Barredo Llamazales - Quick Step - Innergetic 3
10 Arkaitz Duran Aroca - Saunier Duval - Prodir 3
11 Alessandro Proni - Quick Step - Innergetic 2
12 Matteo Carrara - Unibet.com 1
13 Linus Gerdemann - T-Mobile Team 1
14 Thomas Lövkvist - Française Des Jeux 1
15 Daniele Bennati - Lampre-Fondital 1

1 Caisse d'Epargne 58.28.54
2 T-Mobile Team 1.31
3 Unibet.com 3.38
4 Bouygues Telecom 5.12
5 Saunier Duval-Prodir 6.00
6 AG2r Prévoyance 6.40
7 Quickstep-Innergetic 7.28
8 Team CSC 7.46
9 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team 8.34
10 Astana 12.52
11 Lampre-Fondital 13.16
12 Team Volkswagen-Trek 18.34
13 Cofidis-Le Crédit par Téléphone 19.22
14 Rabobank 29.01
15 Crédit Agricole 29.10
16 Française des Jeux 32.49
17 Predictor-Lotto 40.22
18 Euskaltel-Euskadi 41.12
19 Gerolsteiner 44.18
20 Liquigas 50.40
21 Team Milram 58.04







OL - Herrer (Enkeltstart)(JO) 27/07

Volta a Portugal em Bicic...(2.1) 24/07-04/08

OL - Herrer(JO) 03/08




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