Tidligt på dagens 232.5 km lange kongeetape af Tour of Ireland, kom 5 ryttere afsted i det, der skulle blive dagens udbrud. Alle deltagerne i udbruddet var over 13 minutter efter i det samlede klassement, og hverken Unibet, CSC eller T-Mobile var repræsenteret. I udbruddet sad bl.a.
Roger Beuchat (Team LPR), som tog alle bjergpointene i dag og nu har vundet bjergtrøjen, da der ingen point er på søndagens afsluttende etape.
I feltet var det det meste af dagen Unibet.com, der kontrollerede, og holdt udbruddet inden for rækkevidde, men da de kom over den næstsidste stigning på dagens rute, satte T-Mobile og Ceramica Panaria-Navigare sig frem for at sætte lidt tempo på. Det betød at udbruddet på trods af et 8 minutters forspring meget hurtigt blev hentet, og de havde kun omkring 3 minutter, da de kom frem til løbets sidste stigning, en grim kategori 2 stigning.
På stigningen blev udbruddet splittet, og 2 ryttere kørte af sted, det var Roger Beuchat (Team LPR) og
Danny Pate fra (Team Sliptstream). Nede i feltet skulle kampen om den samlede sejr stå. I det øjeblik feltet kom ind på stigningen, gik Team CSC frem med
Matti Breschel forrest, og satte et vanvittigt tempo i forsøget på at knække Unibet.com holdet. En overgang så det ud til at forsøget skulle lykkes, da holdet fik splittet feltet komplet på vej over stigningen, og da de kom over stigningen sad der omkring 12 ryttere forrest med 5 ryttere fra Team CSC og uden Vandenbergh i den gule trøje. På nedkørslen kom en del af feltet dog op igen, og deriblandt sad Vandebergh.
På trods af at de to ryttere foran med 20 km til mål stadig havde 1.40 til feltet, blev der angrebet vildt fra feltet bl.a. viste det irske nationalmandskab trøjen flot frem på hjemmebanen. Kort efter 20 km mærket kom en stærk 6 mandsgruppe væk fra feltet, og heriblandt var bl.a. Frank Schleck og den irske mester David O'Loughlin fra Navigator. De 2 frontgrupper blev samlet med omkring 9 km til mål. Nede i feltet arbejdede Team LPR hårdt på trods af, at de havde Beuchat fremme i udbruddet. En punktering til David O’Loughlin betød at udbruddet mistede nogle hestekræfter, og det var nok medvirkende til udbruddet blev hentet kort før mål, og det endda med den gule trøje helt i front af feltet kørende spurten for Baden Cooke.
Boasson Hagen (Team Maxbo-Bianchi) åbnede spurten meget langt ude fra og vandt med et par cykellængder foran Bernhard Eisel (T-Mobile) og Ariel Maximiliano Richeze (Ceramica Panaria-Navigare). Matti Breschel blev igen bedste CSC’er på en 7. plads.
I den samlede stilling fører Vandenbergh stadig med 20 sekunder til Marcus Ljungqvist (Team CSC) og 21 sekunder til Aaron Olson (T-Mobile).
Resultat af 4. etape1 Edvald Boasson Hagen - Team Maxbo Bianchi 5.53.23 (39.48 km/t)
2 Bernhard Eisel - T-Mobile Team
3 Maximiliano Richeze - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare
4 Borut Bozic - Team L.P.R.
5 Baden Cooke - Unibet.com
6 Daniele Colli - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare
7 Matti Breschel - Team CSC 8 Simon Clarke - South Australia.com - AIS
9 Joachim Bohler - Team Maxbo Bianchi
10 Daniel Lloyd - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
11 Charles Dionne - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
Wesley Sulzberger - South Australia.com - AIS
13 Mike Friedman - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
14 Gene Bates - South Australia.com - AIS
15 Marcus Ljungqvist - Team CSC
16 Stijn Vandenberg - Unibet.com
17 Dennis Van Winden - Rabobank Continental
18 Pieter Jacobs - Unibet.com
19 Frantisek Rabon - T-Mobile Team
20 Boy Van Poppel - Rabobank Continental
21 Glenn Bak - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly 22 David McCann - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
23 Craig Lewis - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
24 Thomas Berkhout - Rabobank Continental
25 Andy Guptill - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
26 Moises Aldape Chaves - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare
27 Chris Newton - Recycling.co.uk
28 Lars Petter Nordhaug - Team Maxbo Bianchi
29 Aaron Olson - T-Mobile Team
30 Kristian House - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
31 Toms Veelers - Rabobank Continental
32 Patrick McCarty - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
33 Danny Pate - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
34 Alessandro Maserati - Team L.P.R.
35 Gordon McCauley - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing
36 Martijn Maaskant - Rabobank Continental
37 Karsten Kroon - Team CSC
38 Michael Blaudzun - Team CSC 39 Sven Nys - Rabobank Continental
40 Roberto Traficante - Team L.P.R.
Stian Sommerseth - Team Maxbo Bianchi
42 Andy Schleck - Team CSC 0.21
43 Matteo Priamo - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 0.38
44 Frank Schleck - Team CSC 0.48 45 Rob Partridge - Recycling.co.uk
Marco Marcato - Team L.P.R. 1.28
47 Roger Beuchat - Team L.P.R. 1.31
48 Ben Day - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 2.09
49 Valeriy Kobzarenko - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
50 Ryan Bonser - Recycling.co.uk
51 Glen Chadwick - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
52 Tom Diggle - Recycling.co.uk
53 Martijn Keizer - Rabobank Continental
54 Michael Ford - South Australia.com - AIS
55 Adam Bonser - Recycling.co.uk
56 Evan Oliphant - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
57 Hamish Haynes - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
58 Timothy Duggan - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
59 Svein Vold - Team Maxbo Bianchi
Alexander Kristoff - Team Maxbo Bianchi
61 Rieno Stofferis - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly
Nazareno Rossi - Team L.P.R.
63 Paul Griffin - Irish National Team
64 Mark Cassidy - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly
65 Zakkari Dempster - South Australia.com - AIS
66 Paidi O'Brien - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly
67 Samuele Marzoli - Team L.P.R.
68 Derek Burke - Irish National Team
69 Johnnie Walker - South Australia.com - AIS
70 Daniel Vaillancourt - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
71 Brian Keneally - Irish National Team
72 Stephen Gallagher - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly
73 Ian Stannard - T-Mobile Team
74 James Millard - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing
75 Simon Richardson - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing
76 Isaac Speirs - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly
77 Simon Holt - Recycling.co.uk
78 Martyn Irvine - Irish National Team 2.21
79 David O'Loughlin - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 3.15
80 Jeremy Hunt - Unibet.com
81 Adam Bergman - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light 6.27
82 Troels Vinther - Unibet.com 8.01
83 Tony Gibb - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing 13.01
84 Sven De Weerdt - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed 13.03
85 Daniel Fleeman - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
86 Jeremy Vennell - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
87 Marcel Beima - T-Mobile Team
88 Filippo Savini - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare
89 Francesco Tomei - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare
90 Simon Gaywood - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing 16.53
DNF Lasse Bøchman - Team CSC
DNF Luis Pasamontes - Unibet.com
DNF Sergey Lagutin - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
DNF Ian MacGregor - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
DNF Gabriel Rasch - Team Maxbo Bianchi
DNF Gert Vanderaerden - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
DNF Tyler Wren - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
Philip Deignan - Irish National Team
DNS Anthony Colby - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
Samlet stilling efter 4. etape
1 Stijn Vandenberg - Unibet.com 18.13.31
2 Marcus Ljungqvist - Team CSC 0.20 3 Aaron Olson - T-Mobile Team 0.21
4 Wesley Sulzberger - South Australia.com - AIS 0.24
5 Pieter Jacobs - Unibet.com 0.27
6 Craig Lewis - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 0.28
7 Glenn Bak - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly 0.43
8 Valeriy Kobzarenko - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 2.37
9 Matti Breschel - Team CSC 13.15
10 Edvald Boasson Hagen - Team Maxbo Bianchi 13.20
11 Bernhard Eisel - T-Mobile Team 13.29
12 Borut Bozic - Team L.P.R. 13.34
13 Martijn Maaskant - Rabobank Continental 13.43
14 Daniel Lloyd - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
15 Moises Aldape Chaves - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare
16 Thomas Berkhout - Rabobank Continental 13.45
17 Kristian House - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
18 David McCann - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
19 Lars Petter Nordhaug - Team Maxbo Bianchi
20 Alessandro Maserati - Team L.P.R.
21 Frantisek Rabon - T-Mobile Team
22 Chris Newton - Recycling.co.uk
23 Karsten Kroon - Team CSC 13.57 24 Roberto Traficante - Team L.P.R. 14.00
25 Michael Blaudzun - Team CSC 26 Danny Pate - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 14.11
27 Matteo Priamo - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 14.23
28 Andy Schleck - Team CSC 14.38
29 Frank Schleck - Team CSC 15.00 30 Gordon McCauley - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing 15.10
31 Marco Marcato - Team L.P.R. 15.13
32 Michael Ford - South Australia.com - AIS 15.54
33 Martijn Keizer - Rabobank Continental
34 Timothy Duggan - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
35 Ryan Bonser - Recycling.co.uk
36 Paul Griffin - Irish National Team
37 Hamish Haynes - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
38 Adam Bonser - Recycling.co.uk
39 Mark Cassidy - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly
40 Brian Keneally - Irish National Team 16.13
41 David O'Loughlin - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 17.00
42 Daniel Fleeman - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed 26.48
43 Jeremy Vennell - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
44 Francesco Tomei - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 27.08
45 Roger Beuchat - Team L.P.R. 28.04
46 Dennis Van Winden - Rabobank Continental 39.46
47 Patrick McCarty - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 39.50
48 Charles Dionne - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light 39.51
49 Baden Cooke - Unibet.com
50 Boy Van Poppel - Rabobank Continental
51 Andy Guptill - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
52 Toms Veelers - Rabobank Continental
53 Sven Nys - Rabobank Continental
54 Mike Friedman - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
55 Gene Bates - South Australia.com - AIS
56 Joachim Bohler - Team Maxbo Bianchi
57 Simon Clarke - South Australia.com - AIS
58 Daniele Colli - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare
59 Stian Sommerseth - Team Maxbo Bianchi
60 Rob Partridge - Recycling.co.uk 40.32
61 Maximiliano Richeze - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 41.13
62 Ben Day - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 41.58
63 Paidi O'Brien - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly 41.59
64 Nazareno Rossi - Team L.P.R. 42.00
65 Evan Oliphant - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
66 Alexander Kristoff - Team Maxbo Bianchi
67 Daniel Vaillancourt - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
68 Svein Vold - Team Maxbo Bianchi
69 Johnnie Walker - South Australia.com - AIS
70 Simon Richardson - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing
71 Stephen Gallagher - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly
72 Isaac Speirs - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly
73 Tom Diggle - Recycling.co.uk
74 James Millard - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing 42.20
75 Ian Stannard - T-Mobile Team
76 Samuele Marzoli - Team L.P.R. 42.22
77 Derek Burke - Irish National Team 42.35
78 Glen Chadwick - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 42.42
79 Simon Holt - Recycling.co.uk 42.44
80 Rieno Stofferis - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly 44.02
81 Martyn Irvine - Irish National Team
82 Zakkari Dempster - South Australia.com - AIS 44.54
83 Jeremy Hunt - Unibet.com 46.36
84 Troels Vinther - Unibet.com 51.08
85 Tony Gibb - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing 52.52
86 Marcel Beima - T-Mobile Team 52.54
87 Filippo Savini - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 54.24
88 Adam Bergman - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light 55.07
89 Sven De Weerdt - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed 57.42
90 Simon Gaywood - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing 59.26
Pointkonkurrencen efter 4. etape
1 Edvald Boasson Hagen - Team Maxbo Bianchi 44 pts
2 Matti Breschel - Team CSC 43
3 Borut Bozic - Team L.P.R. 41
4 Bernhard Eisel - T-Mobile Team 41
5 Wesley Sulzberger - South Australia.com - AIS 34
6 Maximiliano Richeze - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 26
7 Baden Cooke - Unibet.com 23
8 Marcus Ljungqvist - Team CSC 21 9 Stijn Vandenberg - Unibet.com 20
10 Martijn Maaskant - Rabobank Continental 19
11 Daniel Lloyd - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed 18
12 Pieter Jacobs - Unibet.com 17
13 Valeriy Kobzarenko - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 16
14 Aaron Olson - T-Mobile Team 14
15 Moises Aldape Chaves - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 14
16 Rob Partridge - Recycling.co.uk 12
17 Roger Beuchat - Team L.P.R. 12
18 Kristian House - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 11
19 Gordon McCauley - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing 10
20 Daniele Colli - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 10
21 Glenn Bak - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly 9
22 Joachim Bohler - Team Maxbo Bianchi 9
23 Alexander Kristoff - Team Maxbo Bianchi 9
24 Dennis Van Winden - Rabobank Continental 8
25 Craig Lewis - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 8
26 Matteo Priamo - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 8
27 Simon Clarke - South Australia.com - AIS 8
28 Adam Bergman - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light 8
29 Charles Dionne - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light 7
30 Gene Bates - South Australia.com - AIS 7
31 Sven Nys - Rabobank Continental 6
32 Paidi O'Brien - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly 5
33 Zakkari Dempster - South Australia.com - AIS 5
34 Danny Pate - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 4
35 Boy Van Poppel - Rabobank Continental 4
Bjergkonkurrencen efter 4. etape
1 Roger Beuchat - Team L.P.R. 67 pts
2 Gordon McCauley - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing 38
3 Danny Pate - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 36
4 Marcus Ljungqvist - Team CSC 23 5 Valeriy Kobzarenko - Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 20
U25 konkurrencen efter 4. etape
1 Stijn Vandenberg - Unibet.com 18.13.31
2 Wesley Sulzberger - South Australia.com - AIS 0.24
3 Pieter Jacobs - Unibet.com 0.27
4 Craig Lewis - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle 0.28
5 Matti Breschel - Team CSC 13.15
6 Edvald Boasson Hagen - Team Maxbo Bianchi 13.20
7 Martijn Maaskant - Rabobank Continental 13.43
8 Thomas Berkhout - Rabobank Continental 13.45
9 Lars Petter Nordhaug - Team Maxbo Bianchi
10 Frantisek Rabon - T-Mobile Team
11 Roberto Traficante - Team L.P.R. 14.00
12 Andy Schleck - Team CSC 14.38 13 Marco Marcato - Team L.P.R. 15.13
14 Michael Ford - South Australia.com - AIS 15.54
15 Martijn Keizer - Rabobank Continental
16 Ryan Bonser - Recycling.co.uk
17 Adam Bonser - Recycling.co.uk
18 Mark Cassidy - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly
19 Francesco Tomei - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 27.08
20 Dennis Van Winden - Rabobank Continental 39.46
21 Boy Van Poppel - Rabobank Continental 39.51
22 Andy Guptill - Colavita - Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light
23 Toms Veelers - Rabobank Continental
24 Simon Clarke - South Australia.com - AIS
25 Stian Sommerseth - Team Maxbo Bianchi
26 Rob Partridge - Recycling.co.uk 40.32
27 Maximiliano Richeze - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 41.13
28 Paidi O'Brien - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly 41.59
29 Nazareno Rossi - Team L.P.R. 42.00
30 Alexander Kristoff - Team Maxbo Bianchi
31 Svein Vold - Team Maxbo Bianchi
32 Johnnie Walker - South Australia.com - AIS
33 Simon Richardson - Plowman Craven - Evans Cycles Racing
34 Isaac Speirs - Murphy & Gunn - Newlyn - M. Donnelly - Sean Kelly
35 Tom Diggle - Recycling.co.uk
36 Ian Stannard - T-Mobile Team 42.20
37 Samuele Marzoli - Team L.P.R. 42.22
38 Derek Burke - Irish National Team 42.35
39 Simon Holt - Recycling.co.uk 42.44
40 Martyn Irvine - Irish National Team 44.02
41 Zakkari Dempster - South Australia.com - AIS 44.54
42 Troels Vinther - Unibet.com 51.08
43 Marcel Beima - T-Mobile Team 52.54
44 Filippo Savini - Ceramica Panaria - Navigare 54.24
Holdkonkurrencen efter 4. etape1 Unibet.com 54.54.42
2 Team CSC 13.44
3 T-Mobile Team 13.48
4 Team Maxbo-Bianchi 13.49
5 Team LPR
6 Team Slipstream
7 Navigators Insurance Cycling 18.07
8 Rabobank 27.06
9 Ceramica Panaria Navigare 27.26
10 Recycling 30.03
11 DFL-Cyclingnews-Litespeed 31.24
12 Irish National Team 33.53
13 South Australia AIS 39.55
14 Murphy & Gunn 44.30
15 Colavita Sutter Home Cycling 1.19.18
16 Plowman Craven Evans Cycles 1.23.36