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Wouter Weylandt åbner med sejr

Wouter Weylandt åbner med sejr

30. maj 2007 15:450
Artiklen fortsætter efter videoen.

Den unge Wouter Weylandt (Quick Step-Innergetic) vandt første etape af Relgien Rundt. Quick Step mandskabet var stærkt overrepræsenteret i en større gruppe, der havde revet sig løs før mål og på de sidste kilometer holdt det belgiske mandskab gruppen i et jerngreb, bl.a. via et stort arbejde af Tom Boonen og det hele endte i en spurt som Wauter Weylandts vandt.

"Jeg ville egentlig have kørt etapen for Gert Stegmaans, men med en kilometer til mål kunne jeg ikke få øje på ham, så jeg kørte spurten selv. Jeg kører altid for at vinde, men i dag ville vi have kørt for Stegmanns," fortalte Weylandts efter sejren.

Wouter Weylandts vandt spurten foran Niko Eeckhout (Chocolade Jacques-Topsport Vlaanderen) og Greg Van Avermaet (Predictor-Lotto)

Resultat af 1. etape
1 Wouter Weylandt - Quickstep - Innergetic 3.52.49
2 Jeremy Hunt - Unibet.com
3 Greg Van Avermaet - Predictor - Lotto
4 Tyler Farrar - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
5 Graeme Brown - Rabobank
6 Jens Renders - Palmans Collstrop
7 Janek Tombak - Jartazi Promo Fashion
8 Frédéric Amorison - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
9 Nico Eeckhout - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
10 Vladimir Gusev - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
11 Gert Steegmans - Quickstep - Innergetic
12 Bert De Waele - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
13 Rick Flens - Rabobank
14 Maarten Tjallingii - Skil - Shimano
15 Roy Sentjens - Predictor - Lotto
16 Kevin Ista - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions
17 Bert Roesems - Predictor - Lotto
18 Geert Omloop - Jartazi Promo Fashion
19 Gianni Meersman - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
20 Maarten Den Bakker - Skil - Shimano
21 Sébastien Minard - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
22 Fumiyuki Beppu - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
23 Bram Tankink - Quickstep - Innergetic
24 Björn Leukemans - Predictor - Lotto
25 Steven De Jongh - Quickstep - Innergetic
26 Leif Hoste - Predictor - Lotto
27 Gorik Gardeyn - Unibet.com
28 Sébastien Rosseler - Quickstep - Innergetic
29 Mathew Hayman - Rabobank
30 Nikolas Maes - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen 0.05
31 Tom Boonen - Quickstep - Innergetic 0.52
32 Christopher Sutton - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone 1.06
33 Kevin De Weert - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
34 Markus Eichler - Unibet.com
35 Wilfried Cretskens - Quickstep - Innergetic
36 Stijn Vandenbergh - Unibet.com
37 Glenn d'Hollander - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
38 Tom Steels - Predictor - Lotto
39 Kevin Hulsmans - Quickstep - Innergetic
40 David Boucher - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner 1.41
41 Denis Flahaut - Jartazi Promo Fashion 1.43
42 Matti Helminen - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed 1.44
43 Vytautas Kaupas - Jartazi Promo Fashion
44 Pieter Mertens - Predictor - Lotto 1.47
45 Jehudi Schoonacker - Sunweb Pro Job 1.48
46 Robby Meul - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
47 Bram De Groot - Rabobank
48 Nick Nuyens - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
49 Wim Vansevenant - Predictor - Lotto
50 Tom Stubbe - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
51 Fuyu Li - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
52 Sven Nevens - Jartazi Promo Fashion
53 Aart Vierhouten - Skil - Shimano
54 Jan Boven - Rabobank
55 Kenny Van Hummel - Skil - Shimano
56 Tom Vannoppen - Sunweb Pro Job 7.56
57 Jan Verstraeten - Sunweb Pro Job
58 Bobbie Traksel - Palmans Collstrop
59 Kenny Geluykens - Sunweb Pro Job
60 Michael Polazzi - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions
61 Maxim Debusschere - Sunweb Pro Job
62 Jurgen Roelandts - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
63 Sven Vandenhoute - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
64 Piet Rooijakkers - Skil - Shimano
65 Kristof Goddaert - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen 13.52
66 Bert Scheirlinckx - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
67 Staf Scheirlinckx - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
68 Jan Kuyckx - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
69 Gregory Joseph - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
70 Floris Goesinnen - Skil - Shimano
71 Frédéric Gabriel - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
72 Sven Vanthourenhout - Sunweb Pro Job
73 Steffen Weigold - Tinkoff Credit System
74 Jarno Van Mingeroet - Jartazi Promo Fashion
75 Alexander Khatuntsev - Unibet.com
76 Maarten Neyens - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
77 Kilian Patour - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
78 Jérémy Burton - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions
79 Johan Coenen - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
80 Davy Commeyne - Palmans Collstrop
81 Bernard Sulzberger - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
82 Antonio Cruz - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
83 Michiel Elijzen - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
84 Ingmar De Poortere - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
85 Steven De Neef - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
86 Michael Friedman - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
87 Laurent Fontaine - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions
88 Kristof De Zutter -
89 David Willemsens - Sunweb Pro Job
90 Damien Monier - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
91 Evert Verbist - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
92 Alexander Serov - Tinkoff Credit System
93 Anton Mindlin - Tinkoff Credit System
94 Jin Long - Skil - Shimano
95 Nico Mattan - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
96 Marco Zanotti - Unibet.com
97 Allan Davis - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
98 Thorwald Veneberg - Rabobank
99 Matthé Pronk - Unibet.com
100 Thomas Brochard - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions
101 Stijn Devolder - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
102 Gert Vanderaerden - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
103 Robert Gesink - Rabobank
104 Jelle Vanendert - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
105 Vasil Kiryienka - Tinkoff Credit System
106 Ilya Chernetsky - Tinkoff Credit System
107 Jeremy Vennel - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
108 Nico Sijmens - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
109 Tom Danielson - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
110 William Frishkorn - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
111 Frederik Penne - Palmans Collstrop
112 Niels Albert - Palmans Collstrop
113 Mathieu Criquielion - Jartazi Promo Fashion
114 Marc Streel - Palmans Collstrop
115 Peter Stetina - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
116 Blake Caldwell - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
117 Erwin Thijs - Unibet.com
118 Hamish Robert Haynes - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
119 Ruggero Marzoli - Tinkoff Credit System
120 Filip Meirhaeghe - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
121 Jurgen Van Loocke - Palmans Collstrop
122 Tyler Butterfield - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
123 Kai Reus - Rabobank
124 Benjamin Johnson - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
125 Jörg Jaksche - Tinkoff Credit System
126 Iljo Keisse - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
127 Craig Lewis - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
128 Kevin Van Melsen - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions 14.10
129 Fabio Polazzi - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions 14.26

Samlet stilling efter 1. Etape
1 Wouter Weylandt - Quickstep - Innergetic 3.52.39
2 Greg Van Avermaet - Predictor - Lotto 0.03
3 Jeremy Hunt - Unibet.com 0.04
4 Sébastien Rosseler - Quickstep - Innergetic
5 Geert Omloop - Jartazi Promo Fashion 0.07
6 Gert Steegmans - Quickstep - Innergetic 0.08
7 Bram Tankink - Quickstep - Innergetic
8 Roy Sentjens - Predictor - Lotto 0.09
9 Tyler Farrar - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone 0.10
10 Graeme Brown - Rabobank
11 Jens Renders - Palmans Collstrop
12 Janek Tombak - Jartazi Promo Fashion
13 Frédéric Amorison - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
14 Nico Eeckhout - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
15 Vladimir Gusev - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
16 Bert De Waele - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
17 Rick Flens - Rabobank
18 Maarten Tjallingii - Skil - Shimano
19 Kevin Ista - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions
20 Bert Roesems - Predictor - Lotto
21 Gianni Meersman - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
22 Maarten Den Bakker - Skil - Shimano
23 Sébastien Minard - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
24 Fumiyuki Beppu - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
25 Björn Leukemans - Predictor - Lotto
26 Steven De Jongh - Quickstep - Innergetic
27 Leif Hoste - Predictor - Lotto
28 Gorik Gardeyn - Unibet.com
29 Mathew Hayman - Rabobank
30 Nikolas Maes - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen 0.15
31 Tom Boonen - Quickstep - Innergetic 1.02
32 Stijn Vandenbergh - Unibet.com 1.15
33 Christopher Sutton - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone 1.16
34 Kevin De Weert - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
35 Markus Eichler - Unibet.com
36 Wilfried Cretskens - Quickstep - Innergetic
37 Glenn d'Hollander - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
38 Tom Steels - Predictor - Lotto
39 Kevin Hulsmans - Quickstep - Innergetic
40 David Boucher - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner 1.51
41 Denis Flahaut - Jartazi Promo Fashion 1.53
42 Matti Helminen - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed 1.54
43 Vytautas Kaupas - Jartazi Promo Fashion
44 Pieter Mertens - Predictor - Lotto 1.57
45 Jehudi Schoonacker - Sunweb Pro Job 1.58
46 Robby Meul - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
47 Bram De Groot - Rabobank
48 Nick Nuyens - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
49 Wim Vansevenant - Predictor - Lotto
50 Tom Stubbe - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
51 Fuyu Li - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
52 Sven Nevens - Jartazi Promo Fashion
53 Aart Vierhouten - Skil - Shimano
54 Jan Boven - Rabobank
55 Kenny Van Hummel - Skil - Shimano
56 Tom Vannoppen - Sunweb Pro Job 8.06
57 Jan Verstraeten - Sunweb Pro Job
58 Bobbie Traksel - Palmans Collstrop
59 Kenny Geluykens - Sunweb Pro Job
60 Michael Polazzi - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions
61 Maxim Debusschere - Sunweb Pro Job
62 Jurgen Roelandts - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
63 Sven Vandenhoute - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
64 Piet Rooijakkers - Skil - Shimano
65 Kristof Goddaert - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen 14.02
66 Bert Scheirlinckx - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
67 Staf Scheirlinckx - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
68 Jan Kuyckx - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
69 Gregory Joseph - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
70 Floris Goesinnen - Skil - Shimano
71 Frédéric Gabriel - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
72 Sven Vanthourenhout - Sunweb Pro Job
73 Steffen Weigold - Tinkoff Credit System
74 Jarno Van Mingeroet - Jartazi Promo Fashion
75 Alexander Khatuntsev - Unibet.com
76 Maarten Neyens - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
77 Kilian Patour - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
78 Jérémy Burton - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions
79 Johan Coenen - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
80 Davy Commeyne - Palmans Collstrop
81 Bernard Sulzberger - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
82 Antonio Cruz - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
83 Michiel Elijzen - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
84 Ingmar De Poortere - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
85 Steven De Neef - Davitamon - Win for Life - Jong Vlaanderen
86 Michael Friedman - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
87 Laurent Fontaine - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions
88 Kristof De Zutter -
89 David Willemsens - Sunweb Pro Job
90 Damien Monier - Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone
91 Evert Verbist - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
92 Alexander Serov - Tinkoff Credit System
93 Anton Mindlin - Tinkoff Credit System
94 Jin Long - Skil - Shimano
95 Nico Mattan - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
96 Marco Zanotti - Unibet.com
97 Allan Davis - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
98 Thorwald Veneberg - Rabobank
99 Matthé Pronk - Unibet.com
100 Thomas Brochard - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions
101 Stijn Devolder - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
102 Gert Vanderaerden - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
103 Robert Gesink - Rabobank
104 Jelle Vanendert - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
105 Vasil Kiryienka - Tinkoff Credit System
106 Ilya Chernetsky - Tinkoff Credit System
107 Jeremy Venell - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
108 Nico Sijmens - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
109 Tom Danielson - Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team
110 William Frishkorn - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
111 Frederik Penne - Palmans Collstrop
112 Niels Albert - Palmans Collstrop
113 Mathieu Criquielion - Jartazi Promo Fashion
114 Marc Streel - Palmans Collstrop
115 Peter Stetina - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
116 Blake Caldwell - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
117 Erwin Thijs - Unibet.com
118 Hamish Robert Haynes - DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed
119 Ruggero Marzoli - Tinkoff Credit System
120 Filip Meirhaeghe - Landbouwkrediet - Tönissteiner
121 Jurgen Van Loocke - Palmans Collstrop
122 Tyler Butterfield - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
123 Kai Reus - Rabobank
124 Benjamin Johnson - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
125 Jörg Jaksche - Tinkoff Credit System
126 Iljo Keisse - Chocolade Jacques - Topsport Vlaanderen
127 Craig Lewis - Team Slipstream powered by Chipotle
128 Kevin Van Melsen - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions 14.20
129 Fabio Polazzi - Pôle Continental Wallon Bergasol - Euro Millions 14.36

Soudal - Quick Step
Nyheder Profil Ryttere Resultater






OL - Herrer (Enkeltstart)(JO) 27/07

Volta a Portugal em Bicic...(2.1) 24/07-04/08

OL - Herrer(JO) 03/08




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